Watch Me Build a SaaS Live Tonight

seriously, live tonight

Tonight I’m hosting my largest ever free live training - and if you’ve never been to one before, this is the one you want to come to

and if you have been to one before, this one is even better because not only is it an entirely new training that’s never been seen before

I have a huge announcement at the end that’s literally super exciting for me and for you as well

I’m literally going to build a micro SaaS live on the free training

as well as tell you how I gained 200,000 followers in one year, and how I get software ideas, set up customer acquisition channels, everything

trust me, it’s going to be a blast, you will learn a lot and we will also have fun I can promise you that

I’m going live 7 hours from the time this email is being sent

if you want to join, here’s the link below

bring a note pad, get some caffeine if you need it, and I’ll see you live at 7

talk soon,
