Be wary of this silent killer

this is what's stopping you from succeeding

I write these emails in the morning

I wake up, waltz over to starbucks to pick up my venti black coffee

Grab my laptop, bring it down to the pool floor, and write to you from my cabana

this morning, I forgot to bring down my laptop charger and didn’t feel like going back up to my room to get it

I open my laptop - it’s at a mere 11% and it dies SUPER quickly

rather than saying screw it, I’m not writing my email today

I said “well, I better come up with an idea and start punching away with my two pointer fingers quickly” (I never learned how to properly type)

so here I am, frantically punching away this email to for you to read on this Sunday

and as I’m writing it, I realized in this is a lesson

it’s easy to think we have all the time in the world, maybe it’s just cuz we’re young, or maybe because it’s a Sunday we think we can just relax

but opening my computer to 11% with no charger made me realize this

we lack moving with URGENCY until we HAVE to 

it is often only when it becomes a necessity to act that actually do

We don’t start that business until we’re overly miserable in school or at our job

We don’t take our health overly serious until we have a health scare

We don’t take our faith seriously until we are at our lowest point

I am sure you have experienced one of these things, and I was reminded by this when I was FORCED into writing this email quickly because otherwise my laptop would die

we let all of this time just slip by, neglecting doing the things we know we SHOULD do until we allow ourselves to fall to a point where we now HAVE to do them

so this email today is your reminder to fix that

that thing in the back of your mind? that business you want to start? That gym session you’ve been putting off? That bad habit you’ve been trying to quit?

Today is the day

don’t let yourself get to the point where you HAVE to do it because you have no other choice

this serves as a reminder to myself just as much as you

go make that change, today.

(phew, 4% battery I did it!)

Have a great Sunday,


P.S. if you have a software idea you want to bring to life, watch this 6 minute video and apply to work with me here