How to Be the Unemployed Friend

someone's gotta do it

have you ever seen the videos online of like “we all have that one unemployed friend that’s always doing something crazy midday on a Tuesday”

it’ll be a video of them like in a club in Ibiza on a random Tuesday

and everyone is like… where tf does this money and time come from?

well, I am the unemployed friend of my group that’s always on some random side quest

one time I was visiting my family in Naples when my friend that went to Miami University of Ohio jokingly said

“it’s going to be 65 degrees in Ohio in March tomorrow, you should come through”

and this was at like 8pm on a Thursday night, and I booked a flight for 8am the next morning, 12 hours notice, and then flew back to Miami the following morning

this is just one example of the many side quests I’ve gone on - but I’m only able to do these things because of my software companies

and because I do software, I don’t have a giant team to manage, the software does most of the work, and then I just manage a sales team, customer success team, and development team

don’t get me wrong, it’s no cake walk and it’s not “passive income” but it can provide an incredible life for you

this is why you see the rise of “solopreneurs” and “indie makers” these 1 person companies that do 5-10k per month, with basically 0 expenses and they spend 10-20 hours per week running these companies

most of them live way better lives than the agency owner doing 100k/mo at 40% margins, with clients blowing up their slack, a big team to manage, and never ending fires to put out…

I’m not saying it never happens in software, that’s not true, but I’ve met very few people that enjoy running an agency… most hate it and just are on the same hamster wheel as any corporate job'

they don’t like what they do, but it’s good money so they keep going…

there’s a reason this “micro SaaS” and “solopreneur” trend is exploding

better quality of life, little overhead, and you’re still building a sellable company

many of these solopreneurs are selling their 5-6k per month SaaS companies for 200k+

I’ve documented exactly how I got my newest software idea, built it, launched it, and got paying users in a step by step format

if you want to learn how you can follow my playbook click below

happy Money Monday
