Turtle Vs Hare

the biggest lie story ever told

No Code Builders

From No Code Alex: Leading the path on the no code revolution

Today’s No Code Tips n Tricks:

you’ve probably heard the tale growing up of the turtle and the hare (rabbit)

if you haven’t, long story short, they’re racing and obviously rabbits are much faster than turtles so the rabbit was expected to win

and so they start, the rabbit gets really far ahead, and then takes a nap or falls asleep since it’s so far ahead

but, the rabbit sleeps too long, to where the turtle ends up winning

and the moral of the story as told is slow and steady wins the race

but this is a lie…

see this idea that you don’t have to move with urgency and if you just do a little bit every day you’ll be successful does more bad than good in my opinion

like… maybe you’ll be successful at 40-50, but you don’t want that do you?

everyone that I know who’s successful works in sprints

they will have a season where they’re working their face off, then a season where they work lower hours and enjoy more

myself included, so while people may tell you to be like the turtle and say they win the race

I think you should be like the hare, and you’ll actually be the winner

Things Worth Checking Out

Closify: anyone can now sign up to Closify for $50/mo to get hired into top commission only sales roles. You can sign up here

Rolade: If you want to get paid for building no code MVP’s you can become a no code dev on rolade and apply to jobs and get paid. You can sign up here

Whenever You’re Ready:

Here’s two ways I can help you:

  1. My No Code Development Agency: my in house bubble developers will build your MVP + I will consult you on your go to market strategy (10k min budget required)

  2. Get Help From Me Growing Your SaaS: If you own a SaaaS company now generating over $20,000/mo and want help scaling it book a strategy call with me

That’s it for today!

Talk soon,

No Code Alex