It's Time to be Greedy

Warren Buffets advice

most people know one of Warren Buffets famous quotes

“be fearful when others are greedy, and be greedy when others are fearful”

I can tell you right now, a lot of people are fearful

student loan repayments just restarted for the first time since the rona

credit card debt is at an all time high

people are defaulting on their car payments at an all time high

interest rates on homes are still super high

groceries are still super expensive

the average person is fearful right now and there’s two ways people will react

some will curl up into a ball and just try to survive

try to cut back on expenses, not go out to dinner anymore, watch where every penny is going, and just hope to survive

and the other way to go about it is to attack

create new income streams, build real assets, gain real skills, and to play offense

a downturn in the market doesn’t mean money stops flowing

but it often will flow into different things

guess what? every business still needs to run in a recession, businesses run on software

if you can build software, you’re good

if you can sell software, you’re good

do not let other people’s fear make you fearful

it’s time to play offense, it’s time to be greedy

if you have a software idea you’ve been sitting on, my team can help

watch this 9 minute video to see how it works

