This One Hack Will Change Your Life

if you don't live your dream life yet - read this

there’s actually one very simple fix you can make that will very quickly correct the course of your life towards your dream life

and this truly is super simple so here it goes: you need to unlearn everything from highschool and your adult years

remember in math class when you’d find a way to solve the problem faster, but your teacher said you had to do it “their way” because that’s the correct way

you’ve been programmed there’s only one way to think, you’ve lost your creative edge, you’ve lost the imagination of when you were a kid, the crazy belief you used to have in yourself

when you were a kid, you had no problem telling people you’d be a pro athlete, or an astronaut or whatever other crazy dreams you had

your imagination would run wild, you had crazy belief in yourself, nothing seemed too crazy to pursue

you weren’t worried about politics, you didn’t care what others thought of you, what clothes you wore, you just enjoyed life as a kid

so the “hack” to living the life of your dreams… is just getting more in tune with how you were as a kid

I’m going to keep this one short, but just think about this today and how you can get more in tune with how you were as a kid

