My Success is Luck

here's how you can engineer luck

when 2023 started no one online had a clue who I was

you didn’t get these sometimes valuable, sometimes entertaining, sometimes annoying emails from me

you probably had no clue what no code SaaS was

and that’s because I was still running Closify and it didn’t grow from my “personal brand” so I had no reason to put out content

after two years of owning and running Closify, I decided I was ready to move onto bigger things, so I sold majority of the company

and I did, in March of this year, and I had absolutely ZERO idea what I would do next

seriously, I did not have the slightest clue how I would earn an income next

I just knew that I’d now have a lot of cash in the bank and I’d figure it out like I always do

but it was a very strange feeling for the first time in years to not know how you will make your money

and so I thought to myself let me just go share my experiences with the world

and I started to put out content online

and to my surprise, I amassed a following very quickly

and now as I’m writing to you at the end of 2023, I have gained collectively an audience of over 200,000 followers this year across platforms

I got over 50 million views this year

multiple new businesses were created as a result from this new audience

and my best monetary year ever

and in hindsight, there was some luck, I was in the right place at the right time

from when I sold Closify, to when I started posting content, to blowing up

it was luck, and I can look back and find multiple instances where I got lucky

but here’s the kicker

I continuously put myself in positions where luck can find me

you don’t get lucky if you don’t take shots, and in the last 5 years, I’ve taken a LOT of shots

and guess what? I’ve gotten “unlucky” or taken more L’s than I have W’s

but the W’s massively outweigh the L’s

you cannot go through life being at bat and never taking a swing

that’s a sure way to strike out

because you never even tried

I’m taking a shot right now myself - I could double down on my businesses that are cash flowing right now and live very well

but instead I’m building a new B2B SaaS going for an 8 figure exit

only time will tell if I get lucky

take more shots in 2024

and if you want to swing, here’s a start

