My Story: 0-$1M in 3 Years

how you can do the same

It’s March 2020, I’m in Hilton Head on spring break with my tennis team

we’re sipping some non alcoholic beverages on the beach and an email from our university hits us

Basically saying once we’re back to campus we have 1 week to move out of campus for a “2 week break” because of you know what…

Instant euphoria on the beach, our spring break just got extended, vibes are high, I’m still a college student that had just started making a couple thousand bucks online via my sales agency

so I move out, back in the rents house, and as we all know… it wasn’t a two week break

in fact, the country goes into a full blown lockdown, no one really knows what’s going on

there’s a virus running rampant, people obsessing over a tiger show, you can’t buy toilet paper anywhere

times were weird for sure

and while most took this period of solitary to watch Tiger shows, throw on a few pounds, and wait for it to blow over

I knew this was the biggest opportunity I’ll ever have

what is they say? Never let a good good pandemic go to waste?

I locked myself in my childhood bedroom and I just grinded outreach

I was landing clients left and right, I went from making 3-5k in March of 2020 to making 12k in April

I knew my life was changed, and I knew I had to grow to hit new levels so I invest 5k in Iman Gadzhi’s copy paste agency

and through being exposed to so many high level agency owners, I discover a massive problem

people don’t know where to hire quality sales talent

so I pivot from being a sales agency to a recruiter, charging $5,000 to place 1 sales rep, and it worked but it wasn’t going to scale easily, after interviewing people, I discovered 3 new problems

  1. recruiters charge too much

  2. they take too long

  3. they place inexperienced but “trained” sales reps

I knew if I solved these 3, I’d have a home run.

So why do recruiters charge so much? Well they do the recruitment, screening, interviewing, and hiring.

I thought, well what if I only did recruitment and screening and let my clients interview and hire through a self serve hiring platform, that would make it faster and more affordable because I’m slashing my human labor

boom, 2/3 solved, then to make it more predictable, I only sourced experienced sales people in my clients niches

then, I made this my unique selling point, faster, more affordable, and more predictable than recruiters, Closify.

We grew like f*cking wildfire, we relaunched on our new platform in july 2021, and finished Q4 doing $100k, then in 2022 is when Hockey Stick growth occured

17k, 35k, 70k, 95k, 125k, we were FIRING on all cylinders

SEO started ranking, word of mouth exploded, sending 15,000 cold emails per month, big sales team on linkedin

after accumulating over 200 clients for Closify and placing over 1200 sales reps through our platform, I discovered a new problem

our clients didn’t know how to properly track and manage their sales reps

so I built gettrackify(dot)com in august 2022 and sold it in Nov because I didn’t have capacity for it

also in Nov, I got the opportunity to come onboard to fastoutreach(dot)ai as chief revenue officer and minority equity holder

and well, this year in 2023, I’m focusing on content which is why I’m writing to you right now

and as we’re heading into an “economic downturn” or recession or depression or whatever happens

understand that we win in any market or environment and how you do during these times will solely depend on your perception of the world around you

if you believe everything is just going to crash and burn in chaos, you probably will

if you believe things will get rough but it’s going to be the greatest opportunity of your life to turn things around and you’ll do whatever it takes, you’ll come out on top.

I turned the 2020 black swan event into a life changing time period for myself, I believe in you to do the same

and while I can’t get on the phone with all of you, if you want to email me questions, I try to respond to as many as possible as thoroughly as I can because I truly want everyone to experience the beautiful life I live

God Bless
