If I Had to Start Again...

here's the path I'd take

if I had to start over in 2024

back down to no income and basically no money - but I get to keep my knowledge

I wouldn’t be worried at all

I realized, almost everyone that I know that’s successful it took 3-5 years and they all took very similar paths

freelance → agency → personal brand → info → software

something like this, and we all made mistakes along the way that could of sped up the time line

and basically what I’ve spent the last few months doing, is compressing everything I know and my journey into a simplified roadmap to execute this 3-5 year plan

and if I was starting over I’d do this

freelance bubble dev → bubble agency → build my own SaaS

and so I made a discord that shows you just how to execute this

full Bubble tutorial with over 10 hours of content from my lead developer

a job board to then get hired as a no code dev or hire one if you’re further along in the journey

then, since I actively run a bubble agency, I show transparent behind the scenes into running and scaling a bubble agency

how I get clients, how I onboard clients, what the flow looks like, the systems we build

and then, I show you how to build a software company

how to get ideas, validate, (build it or you can do it yourself since you know how to build on bubble now) , get customers, scale, etc.

Not only do I show case studies from my past companies, but the new SaaS I’m building live on youtube you will get even deeper behind the scenes look into everything I’m doing to grow that company

and some bonuses like guest speakers, guest modules, and a community of like minded people to interact with and I’m probably forgetting things…

all of this for a small monthly price

I hope to see you inside

click here to join

