How to See Into the Future

and identify early opportunities

If time travel was real, we would say “yeah I’d go back and buy facebook stock when they IPO’d, or buy bitcoin when it was $1” all of these things

but it’s not - those ships have already sailed and we’ve already “missed” those opportunities

similarly, if I had a crystal ball to see the future I could also make a ton of money by being early

the early movers are the ones who make a ton of money

now I don’t have a crystal ball, but I can see into the future… kind of

I have a unique ability to spot market shifts early - I did it with Closify and revolutionized the sales hiring industry

and then I was one of the first people to talk about no code and I exploded the market and I’ll share how I spot these shifts

the best way to see the future is to analyze the past - here’s why no code made so much sense to me

before shopify, running an ecommerce store had to have been a nightmare, you’d code your website, you’d need to use a million different softwares to run your business, everything about it was hard, confusing, and expensive

shopify comes and makes it drag and drop to build your online store, all your apps you need you can easily install, and now you can operate faster, more affordably, and more efficiently

it democratized the ability to get into ecom, it made it much easier and lowered the barrier to entry, which means, more people will enter that market and it’ll grow

I see bubble as the shopify of the software industry - but even with tools like create now (text to app builder) these things are an OBVIOUS play

why would anyone spend $100k and 6 months on an MVP in a few years when it can be done via text to app mainly and then have a dev just make tweaks? or build no code?

but anyways - this email isn’t about no code, the other thing is, some industries lag behind others, so you can take a shift and be the first one to bring it to a certain industry

lets go back to ecom, they had shopify, later on software got bubble, right now creators are BLOWING up ecom brands, brand new ecom companies are launching to 6 figure months using creators

guess what industry is lagging behind here? tech / SaaS companies

trust me on this - SaaS companies will rely on creators in the next few years, their tech moat is disappearing so the only thing left to set them apart is distribution

so how YOU specifically make money from this opportunity?

if you want to be trained to make content for SaaS companies and get paid click here

if you own a B2B business or a SaaS over 100k/month and you want me to blow it up for you with a creator team - click here 

don’t fade me on these opportunities - I don’t have hunches often but when I do I’m usually right

the earlier you are, the bigger the reward

talk soon
