Are you scared?

why haven't you started?

No Code Builders

From No Code Alex: Leading the path on the no code revolution

Today’s No Code Tips n Tricks:

The best thing you can do for yourself is to just start

so many people get action paralysis and they make up all these what if scenarios in their head as to why they shouldn’t start today

and this goes on, and on, and on….

until months or years have gone by and you’re still in the exact same spot you were last time

I actually had a follower reach out to me and ask “how do I stop procrastinating? I want to work but then I keep going back to video games”

and I asked if he’s happy with his current situation, and he said resoundingly “no!”

and I told him that’s all you should need, because nothing changes if you don’t start working

so I implore you to start today and I’ll give you a homework assignment

go to softr, scroll through the templates, and build a basic MVP TODAY

don’t care if it’s a content calendar, customer portal, CRM, whatever

just build something today, no more procrastinating

Things Worth Checking Out

Closify: anyone can now sign up to Closify for $50/mo to get hired into top commission only sales roles. You can sign up here

Rolade: If you want to get paid for building no code MVP’s you can become a no code dev on rolade and apply to jobs and get paid. You can sign up here

Whenever You’re Ready:

Here’s two ways I can help you:

  1. My No Code Development Agency: my in house bubble developers will build your MVP + I will consult you on your go to market strategy (10k min budget required)

  2. Get Help From Me Growing Your SaaS: If you own a SaaaS company now generating over $20,000/mo and want help scaling it book a strategy call with me

That’s it for today!

Talk soon,

No Code Alex