SaaS Idea (Steal This)

if I had to start over

If I absolutely HAD to start a new SaaS company today

& get it to $10,000 MRR before years end

or else I needed to relocate Kentucky

Here's exactly what I'd do

(steal this idea)

1/ Pick a niche

I'd pick the niche I know best... B2B sales

I don't need to guess here, I know what problems they face because I've staffed over 250 sales teams and placed over 1200 reps

which is why I built Closify and Trackify

2/ Industry Problem

part of sales managers jobs, is to review calls, and while AI can't fully replace this (yet lol) I have an idea to make their job easier

this first iteration I'll explain is the MVP that I'd build that will be more of an "automation as a service"

3/ My Idea

have fireflies notetaker on all zoom calls or any other

then, create a zap, fireflies transcription -> google doc -> create a prompt in chatGPT to summarize the transcript -> zap into CRM

(this is an idea I thought of to build internally)

4/ SaaSify it

I see multiple different routes you could take here once validated

> build it as a CRM plugin & charge monthly/usage

> build your own version of fireflies note taker with the summarization automation added

> feed all the summarizations into a machine learning model to see flow of best calls / best prospects and get better sales data

I'm sure there's other directions but this is all of the cuff right now, I'd do more research

5/ The Problem & Unique Selling Point

problem: sales managers can spend too much time reviewing calls instead of doing higher leveraged activities

such as: new CRM automations, working closer with marketing department, etc

so our selling point is saving sales managers (or business owners without sales managers) time so they can focus on those more important tasks at hand

you could also train the AI to flag "uhh's & Umm's" and give them a score on each transcription etc

6/ Go to Market

I personally would simple send an email to my Closify list and print customers day 1

for those of you that can't do that

Linkedin outbound + content marketing and posting value posts in FB groups where you soft plug your SaaS as a means to execute the info

7/ Getting to $10,000 MRR

between linkedin, ramping up to 15,000 cold emails per month, Closify list, cold calling, and content marketing

I'm confident if executed properly on the product side I could get this to 10k MRR by years end

8/ Got an idea?

Got a SaaS idea you want to bring to life?

if you have a budget of at least $5k I can connect you with my dev to build a beautiful project (I'll consult you on it too)

DM "Bubble" for more info

as always, thank you for reading and if you want to potentially win a free call with me or my unavailable program, just share my newsletter with some friends (:

God Bless,
