quick question

answer this quickly

did you play a sport growing up?

and you know how when you first started… you SUCKED

like.. you were really bad

it was probably incredibly frustrating at times

yet… you still did that sport for the next 5-10 years maybe longer

I started playing tennis seriously when I was 11 (I think)

I was our 3rd best when I was a freshman in highschool (4 years later)

and then my sophomore year I was #2

junior and senior year #1

and then I got a D1 scholarship

that took 9 years

so how did I keep going for 9 years (and then 2 more in college) when I sucked at the start, there were always people better than me, and it was often quite frustrating

because I loved it

in fact, I was obsessed with tennis

it was the only thing that consumed my mind - when I couldn’t play with someone - I’d hit a ball against our garage door (it’s so dented sorry mom & dad)

I’d watch tennis on tv at night

I’d watch highlights and tutorials on youtube

there’s not a single top athlete out there that isn’t OBSESSED and in love with the game

so why am I yapping away about this

well - when I left tennis, I needed a new obsession or I wouldn’t know what to do with my life

and business became that obsession

once again - I was reading tons of books, watching youtube videos, grinding outreach, staying up super late, trying to get into good circles

business couldn’t escape my mind

I’ll wake up in the middle of the night with an epiphany of something I could do to grow my businesses

I go to bed thinking about it and I wake up thinking about business

I became obsessed with content in the last year and had some of the fastest social media growth I’ve ever seen

I mean I went from 0 to 100k on IG in 95 days, that’s literally averaging over 1,000 new followers per day

that doesn’t just happen!

it takes obsession, it takes loving the game

and so all of this to tell you

if you don’t love the game of business

if you’re not obsessed over it

if you’re just trying to make a lil bit of money

you’re going to get eaten alive in this game

business is the hardest sport I’ve ever competed in

you’re competing against the ivy league graduates

the people with tens of millions of dollars already

VC backed companies with more money than they know what to do with that don’t care to be profitable and can outspend you

people with giant brands

people so well connected they can get in any room

if you’re not obsessed and if you don’t love business this really isn’t for you

you’ll get stomped on and broken as soon as the first thing explodes on you

and trust me - stuff blows up ALL the time in business

if you wouldn’t do what you’re doing if you got paid less - you’re screwed

because you’ll run into people like me and my friends that we just love this game

and we’re going to show up every day, get .1% better daily, and keep trucking forward

let this be a wake up call for you - if you’re not making money maybe you’re just not obsessed enough

and if you are obsessed but just need direction - click here

happy friday

remember - during the weekends you can get ahead or fall behind

up to you