How to Protect Your Business

hard times ahead

I got into this whole “online business” space in 2019 and since then a lot of the “big names” then are no longer around

in fact, there has been very few businesses I’ve seen survive 3-5+ years and there’s a few reasons for it

but rather than tell you about all of the reasons why most fail, I’ll tell you about the reason why the businesses still around succeed

in 2024 there is only one way to truly build a moat around your business to protect it and make it impenetrable

and this is what the companies that have survived the test of time I’ve seen so far have done

they have built OWNED distribution - which is a fancy way of saying they have built a brand around their business and they own media assets that they can sell too

so rather than relying on paid ads, cold outbound messages, they own social media pages and email lists that have their ideal prospects as followers

these people are more primed to buy because they’re familiar with you and your company from your content and emails etc

now this is like level 1 of protecting your business, having a personal brand, and this is what most people know already and are trying to do

but, this isn’t the ultimate security you could have, your instagram or tik tok can get banned, your views could decline steeply, the only part you own is your email list (so it should be a priority)

however, there’s something smarter you can do to provide even more protection and to greatly grow your top of funnel traffic

so if you’re a business owner over $100k/mo you’re going to want to listen up right now 

rather than investing money into paid ads, or doing more outbound, here’s what to do instead

hire creators to make you new media assets (social medias) that your company owns the rights too

this was you’re building more owned distribution, a content moat around your business, and protection against a dip in performance with your personal brand, or ads, or anything else

Billion dollar companies like Hubspot are starting to do this, which may be a sign you should too

and the best part is - almost no B2B businesses are doing this yet so by being early you can rapidly grab “digital real estate” in your niche

imagine if you had creators pumping out short form and youtube videos for your company, driving traffic to lead magnets, VSL’s, signup pages, etc

I’ve tested this out for a few companies and the results are….crazy

so if you’re a B2B or info product business over 100k/mo I want to train & manage creators for your business

and I’ll train them to make content the same way that grew me 200k followers in one year

that allowed me to post one youtube video that ranks me for top searches in my niche and has brought in 6 figures in attributed revenue

if you’re interested, watch this video below

protect your business, build a moat, and increase top of funnel traffic drastically

talk soon,
