Most people Die Twice

the first death is more sad than the second

most people in this world die twice

and their first death is much more sad than the second

people are born with wild imaginations, full of ambition and big dreams

when you’re a kid you want to be a pro athlete, an astronaut, the president, a celebrity, whatever it is

and you don’t think it’s crazy, you’ll gladly go around boasting it and claiming that you will in fact achieve those dreams

and slowly, as you age, this imagination, the ambition, these dreams, get slowly beaten out of you

you hear:

“that’s not realistic”

“only .1% of people go pro”

“that’s not practical”

“you need to come back down to earth”

“you aren’t living inside the real world”

“that’s not possible for you”

“go the safe route”

and you can literally and visibly see this happen to people over time

you can genuinely see the flame that once burned bright inside them, be dimmed down or even extinguished

the way someone’s eyes used to light up talking about what excited them is no longer there

they let other people - who are just projecting their own limiting beliefs and insecurities - kill their spirit

and that is the saddest death that exists

you then watch people zombie their way through life for the next couple decades until they’re eventually buried

and maybe you’re like… woah… that’s a really grim read for my Saturday Alex

to that, I’d say good, this SHOULD scare you - that was my goal

an emotion must be triggered, for change to happen

no emotion - you won’t change, you might not even be aware it happened

but I have good news for you - the same people that try to kill your spirit, are the same people you can make the catalyst for your success

you can use these people - that don’t believe in themselves, that are energy drainers, insecure about themselves, dead in their own spirit, and you can turn them into ROCKET FUEL to propel you to your goals

and as you read that - you know EXACTLY who those people are that have tried to dim your light

look back on the last 3-5 years (maybe longer) and write down all the people that tried to convince you out of your dreams

that said they’re silly, unrealistic, you’re not smart enough, you’re delusional, and write it all down

write down who said what

read this every morning - trust me you will have a fire under your ass like no other

for years - my screensaver on my phone was this - all the insecure projections I had heard from others

it fires you up - it gets you out of bed, and it removes the need for discipline because you’re so fired up

and then, write down how you’ll celebrate when you prove each projection wrong

that it wasn’t unrealistic

that it wasn’t crazy

that you are smart enough

it may take 1 year, or it may take 5, but eventually you’ll be the one that was right if you don’t stop

5 years later for me, and I’ve been right about everything and I live a life those nay sayers truly couldn’t imagine

I’ve lived my regular life in a way they can’t even afford to vacation

and that is how I told myself I’d celebrate when I was right

to live better than they can even vacation

maybe this doesn’t work for everyone

but it sure did for me, and tons of the best athletes and entrepreneurs to ever live

try it out

happy Saturday


P.S. my team has a few more slots this upcoming week to see if you’re a fit to own a software company, you can apply here