No Code Alex Partnership Opportunity

let's partner

I’m currently head down focused on building Zappx and my development agency plus making content in itself is a job

but I have SO many ideas that I know would crush and play well into my ecosystem, so I need other people to make them

keep in mind, starting a software company requires SOME capital, isn’t something you can start with $0

but here’s some of the ideas on my mind that I just know would work incredibly well

1) Website visitor identification tool

there’s a few of these crushing it, one just went from 0 to $2m ARR in a matter of months

basically, you install a code snippet on your website and then it’ll scrape the contact info (email, phone number, linkedin, etc) of the people visiting your website WITHOUT them opting in and you can push these people to your CRM for your sales team

this is a super easy sell to business owners, obviously if they collect more intent showing contacts per month they will make more money

this build may be a little more complex to build, but this is one of my favorite ideas on my mind recently - would likely need $10,000 + to develop this

2) Twitter / X Outreach tool

I recently signed up to one, and have actually been pleasantly surprised with how well twitter automated campaigns work

I have no plan of cancelling my like $80/mo subscription because it’s making me more than that

and it’s honestly so simple… you just automate outreach

the user interface of this tool also isn’t as good as I think it can be

and there’s opportunity to implement scheduling features similar to tweethunter

this idea is much simpler to build and could probably be built for sub $10,000

3) tik tok shop tool

tik tok shop is still exploding and tools like fastmoss(dot)com to help people identify top products and videos is absolutely crushing

easy sell to brands to be like hey come see what videos are working best for your competitors

and you can also sell it a bit more B2c to help people find products to sell in the first place

again this idea seems pretty simple, probably sub 10k

4) Flozy competitor

Flozy is like an all in one software to run your agency (client communication, invoicing, document signing, dashboard, etc)

essentially you’re removing the need for slack, panda doc, trello, etc, and there’s room in the market for someone else to come in and do this

even myself I notice myself using way too many tools to run my different businesses

probably a sub $10,000 build too

5) No Code Builder / AI software builder

this one is fairly tricky (believe me I’ve looked into it)

but while bubble is amazing, I think the platforms a step or two down from bubble are dropping the ball on being an entry level no code builder

not even just from a product standpoint, but also in their marketing and the moats they could build around it

these are… tricky to build (but doable!) but would require over $10,000 for sure

so listen, there’s 5 software ideas that are validated and I know would work that you can run with

and I’d love to be by your side as you bring these ideas to life

I have the ecosystem for all of them, I have the development teams (no code and full stack), I have all the trusted vendors (SEO agency, cold email agency, etc) to run a successful software company

if you believe you have what it takes to bring any of these ideas to life

this will still require capital upfront like I mentioned - but if that’s you book a call and let’s chat and go into 2025 with a profitable