The No BS Way to Make $$$$

it's simpler than you think

How to Make Money?

The infamous question I get 100’s of times daily

now first, none of us are the federal reserve, so we can’t make money

we have to take money

now saying it like that makes it seem bad and it’s really not

it just means we have to transact with consumers or businesses

and so, when does a transaction occur?

Well, a transaction (or sale) occurs when the perceived value > perceived cost

think about it, if you just finished a run and forgot water, you’ll spend $3 on a water bottle because the perceived value of quenching your thirst is greater than $3

Businesses buy services when they believe the perceived value will yield greater returns than the perceived costs

so there’s two keys here thus far

1) we have to make a product/service/software that’s GREAT

2) We have to make our prospects believe the perceived value > cost

we make them believe through social proof (sales assets: testimonials, case studies, interviews) and good offers (read Hormozi $100m offers)

With my new company getting ready to launch, Billd, one function is it helps business owners create chatbots than can replace their customer support virtual assistant

through my research, the average business owner pays their customer support VA $500-$800 per month

so if I approach them, and say you can use our tool that’ll do exactly that but for $200/mo or $100/mo

do you really think they’ll say no to saving hundreds of dollars per month?

and then do you really think they won’t pay Billd a generous % of what we save them?

this is how business works

make the perceived value so much greater than the perceived cost

and people will be begging you to take their money

Go take some money today
