My New SaaS is Catching Fire

2-3 new signups per day (copy me)

I haven’t really been promoting Zappx much because we’ve been working closely with our paying users and my dev team has been working on some new features I’ve been waiting on

and while it’s still not ready for me to go full blown marketing on it, I decided to test a few things out and ramp up just a lil bit

the most surprising test that I conducted is how well automated twitter or X campaigns perform

I assume because most B2B business owners prioritize linkedin/cold call/cold email

and so I’m utilizing a tool that lets me auto DM the followers of whoever I choose

so I chose a guy that only talks about B2B sales, assuming that his followers probably cold call, or are open to starting

the results have been crazy - 500 messages sent and 28 replies, which mostly have actually been positive like this one below

and admittedly I just started the campaign maybe a week ago, and we’ve been averaging 2-3 new trial signups per day from utilizing this tool alone

and so it had me thinking of like why don’t I just share the entire tech stack that I use to grow software companies

so I put together a list of every tool I use, how much they cost, and why I like them and you can see which make sense for your existing business or to get your business off the ground

some more exciting news for you (figured I’d give you some good news since markets are crashing I guess)

I’m kicking off a 90 day challenge in my community sometime this week - you can join that community here

some words of advice - check social media less this week, turn off the news, go outside more, go on more walks, hang out with friends / family more, don’t let people fear monger you into not living your life

the sun comes up tomorrow, if you have your health you’re blessed, and money is just pixels on a screen

everything will be alright

Happy Monday,
