you need to hear this

open this

this past weekend I decided to book an airbnb and got a lakehouse about an hour away with 3 of my hometown friends

one of which worked a corporate sales job for a year before starting high ticket sales online and over doubling his income (while working less)

but the other two, are still figuring out life (as we all are)

not sure what they want to do, but naturally neither want to pursue any “traditional” route

both smart kids, that are studying in school, but they’ve seen what I have done and they see how my friend escaped corporate by doing high ticket sales

and one of my friends asked me

“how possible is it really?”

like can I REALLY make a ton of money online? Can anyone do it? How hard is it? Where do I start?

and my answer came with good news and bad news

the bad news, is it is REALLY hard

making your first $100,000 is incredibly challenging

not only do you lack the skills required to make money when you’re starting

you also lack the network

you lack the audience

you lack the starting capital

on top of all those issues

people will belittle or make fun of your different path or tell you it’s dumb / not realistic

and so you may be 3, 6, 9, 12 months into trying with NOTHING to show and everyone gets to just point their finger and laugh

and that SUCKS

I started in 2019, and I didn’t make ANY money all of 2019

I didn’t make money until 2020

I didn’t make my first 100k until 2021

now here’s the good news

once you make your first 100k, the hardest part is over

the next 100k will come MUCH faster

once you make your first million, the second is inevitable

you now have skills, a network, a small audience, capital to utilize

it becomes much much easier to make money

but the thing is, most NEVER get to this point because they stopped when it sucked

they stopped 1,2,3,6 months in when they had nothing to show and people got to say “I told you so”

but by you quitting that early, you’re letting everyone else be right

because if you didn’t quit, eventually, you WOULD succeed

and eventually YOU would be right

you would be the one booking spontaneous trips, driving your dream car, living however you want

you’re so much closer to a life you can barely even imagine than you think

3-5 years.

3-5 years to completely and permanently alter the course of your life

had I never started, and kept going despite having no results, I would not be writing to you today

I would not have my dream car at 23

dream watch

I would not have lived in miami the last 3 years including in one of the nicest buildings

I would not have some of the most insane memories with my friends visiting miami

I’d be sitting at some desk staring at excel spreadsheets staring at the clock and waiting for the weekend

imagine your future self watching you and just begging you to not give up because they know what an insane amazing life is on the other side if you don’t

do this exercise for me today, take out a pen and paper

write down your dream life, where do you wake up? by the ocean? in the city? is it warm? cold? what time do you wake up? what do you do throughout the day? who do you see? as much detail as possible

read that piece of paper every morning and night

go to bed knowing it has already happened, you already have it all, you’re now just waiting for time to catch up

work hard every day, keep at it for 3-5 years, blink, and you’ll be living it

Happy Wednesday
