You MUST Do This in 2024

This is how you win.

No Code Builders

From No Code Alex: Leading the path on the no code revolution

Today’s No Code Tips n Tricks:

have you ever heard the term “adapt or die”?

this is a pretty old saying, it even goes back to how animals have had to adapt over time to new environments or their species would go extict

and I’m here to tell you, the following species of “business owners” are about to go extinct

  • Agency owners that sell outlandish claims they can’t back up (we’ll book you 100 sales calls a month or you don’t pay!!!)

  • businesses not utilizing content marketing and hiring creators

  • businesses not building ecosystems around their media conglomeration

so how do you survive? how do you adapt to the inevitable purge of crappy business owners (this is a good thing btw)

the market is sophisticating quickly, and people are getting smarter and they’re done with the BS

so 1st, you must be seen as an AUTHORITY in your space, this means two things

1) you must ACTUALLY be very good at your skill so you ACTUALLY are an authority

2) you put out loads of content that demonstrates you’re an authority and attracts people to you and you become the “go to” guy

does that seem familiar? It’s almost like what I did this year

when you’re the authority, people don’t even consider going anywhere else for your services

Next, having a personal brand isn’t enough anymore, we need to build a media conglomeration

we need to hire creators to make new media assets that our company owns the rights to

imagine under your company brand you own, 10 instagram accounts, 5 youtube channels and 10 newsletters and you build an ecosystem of companies around that media conglomeration

just like barstool, it’s an extremely attractive business model and one you can actually sell, you can’t sell it if it’s only your personal brand

so recap, get very good at skill, be go to guy (or girl) and build media conglomeration

start now, lets go

Things Worth Checking Out

Closify: anyone can now sign up to Closify for $50/mo to get hired into top commission only sales roles. You can sign up here

FyneTuner: you can now fine tune GPT models without knowing how to code to create your own AI SaaS. You can check out Fynetuner here

HelpDeskify: If you own a software company and you want to hire a call center for 24/7 customer support or to do cold calls to drum up new business, you can check that out here

Whenever You’re Ready:

Here’s a few ways I can help you:

  1. My No Code Development Agency: my in house bubble developers will build your MVP + I will consult you on your go to market strategy (10k min budget required)

  2. Buy 30 Minutes of my Time: Book a 30 minute consulting call to help you start or grow your software company, I can also help you build a personal brand, marketing strategies, building sales teams, etc.

  3. Join my Premium Newsletter Group: for only $10/mo once a week I will send a breakdown of finding a SaaS idea, validating it, and building out the MVP

That’s it for today!

Talk soon,

No Code Alex