Million Dollar SaaS Idea

build this for yourself

affiliate marketing is a lucrative industry

and signing up affiliates is one of the best ways to grow your business

however, it’s very hard to sign up affiliates for high ticket offers

why? because there has to be a sales call

I run a dev agency right? so if someone wants to send me a client - I have to get on a call with them

to do this at scale is very difficult

I’d have to make the affiliate a custom calendly link or something, and then if I have 100+ affiliates it’s just messy

so here’s the idea

a simple software where affiliates can sign up to send you high ticket sales calls

they get a custom call booking link, and you need to integrate with the crm and stripe to track who closes

so for example: affiliate call comes in, get’s added to crm that it’s from X affiliate, and then if the email associated with that contact pays inside stripe, it changes the deal to won in the CRM and pays out the affiliate

now people can easily sign up tons of affiliates

and also, there should be a marketplace for people to find high ticket offers to affiliate for

this idea would rip - and if you want my team to build it for you book a call below