This Message is For You

channeled message

The last month or so I’ve had a relatively hard time getting out of bed especially when I don’t have tennis early in the morning to force me

and I was really confused as to why that may be, I really like what I do, I’m doing pretty well, yet I still just am struggling to wake up immediately and avoid hitting the snooze

and obviously we’ve all snoozed before, but I thought back to times where I never snoozed and just tried to think about what’s different as it was starting to consume my mind

because for many people, I think it’s because they don’t like what they’re doing, so they dread starting their day but for me I love what I do, so why am I having such a hard time starting?

and I came to the conclusion that it’s because I’ve been in a constant luke warm state in all areas of my life

everything was just “good enough” between my fitness, my companies, spiritually, everything was just good enough for me to not have enough urgency to want to leap out of bed

I had no quantifiable targets to chase, I was kind of just in a state of existing, but not attacking life head on like I had in the past

and so I set some ambitious quantifiable targets, I wrote them down, and this morning and last morning, I had zero issue getting out of bed, and no snoozing

I don’t know who needs to hear this - but if you aren’t leaping out of bed, if you’re feeling like you’re in a luke warm state, set some ambitious goals

you have no idea what you can accomplish in 90 days and I’m going to show you, I want you to join me on this challenge and I’m also going to start streaming daily at 11am EST

you can watch me build my companies, ask me questions, and we’ll have some fun

so follow me on kick or subscribe to it haha at 

and join my free discord here to join the challenge

in 90 days time, we will come back to this and be in disbelief

I hope you’ll join me
