Make Money with AI SaaS

you could build this SaaS TODAY!

so you may have seen a lot of people talking about “ai SaaS” lately

or some techy people call them “AI wrapper SaaS”

and it’s because you’re using another companies AI and fine tuning it for a specific use case and then adding your own front end interface

and some of these AI SaaS companies have seen EXPLOSIVE growth

but still, this wasn’t available to do for anyone because it required some coding expertise in order to fine tune a model

and you know me….. I don’t do any coding

so I had my team do all the coding for you, and the tool that we’ve been developing literally since March is finally ready for beta users

this allows you to fine tune an AI model without needing to know how to code at all and in 3 simple steps

1) Create a data set

2) Upload it into and hit “generate”

3) Connect your tuned model to a interface

that’s it - it’s literally never been easier.

Here’s some things you can build:

  • Blog Post generator for a specific niche

  • sales script generator based on successful call transcriptions

  • linkedin post generator

  • tweet generator to sound exactly like anyone

  • you could get “advice” from great business minds, Hormozi, Bezos, etc just create a dataset from their advice online and then you can turn it into a model of them you can use for advice

anything you can make a data set on - you can fine tune a model

and then you can use that model for yourself, or for your business, or sell it as a service to other people

I recorded a 6 minute loom video on how to use the tool here

Fynetuner is literally only $20/m right now (cheapest it’ll ever be) so if you want to be a beta tester and lock in the lowest price ever

start now at 

reply back with what you’re going to fyne tune

