Make an Extra $2k/mo

side project to pay rent

there’s a misconception that in business or as an entrepreneur you need to build a giant conglomeration

that you need to be shooting for 10’s of millions, that you need to be after all the crazy stuff, the cars, the watches, the highrise, everything

when really, we all actually want the exact same way, which is to just live a life that’s true to ourselves

and that’s different for all of us - but I can tell you this, as someone that has bought my dream car, a nice watch, that lived on the 45th floor in Miami with a water view

none of that is better than:

  • waking up whenever I want

  • setting my own hours of when I want to work

  • not looking at prices at the grocery store

  • picking up dinner for my friends

a lot of people don’t even want to be “entrepreneurs” they just want a side project on top of their job so they’re not so stressed over bills

my SaaS that I started made me $2,000 in the last 4 weeks while working on it less than 5 hours a week

I built a product that I knew had demand, and I have an automated cold email campaign running, and I have a sales guy managing the replies and ripping cold calls

besides that - I’ve formed a few partnerships, but I had to cool it on the marketing while my dev team spends the next month pushing some updates

and while the $2,000 doesn’t change my life, an extra $2,000 a month would change a lot of people’s lives

anyone can do this - you find an idea that’s in demand, you either learn to build the product, hire someone, or partner with someone

and then you focus on affordable customer acquisition channels (email / cold calling / content / partnerships)

it’s actually very simple, just like when you cook you follow a recipe, there is a formula to doing this predictably time and time over again

it’s how I started Closify and made my first million

it’s how I started Trackify, how I helped grow fastoutreach, and now Zappx

it’s also the same formula I gave Shachar and now he cracked $1,000 MRR

does it take some time? sure - all good things do

but anyone can build a software that makes them a few extra grand per month to just run on a few hours per week and collect your money

or maybe you do want to grow it to a big company for a big fat exit

whichever it is - the playbook is similar

if you want to follow the exact steps that I do for: finding ideas, building them, marketing them, building a team, etc

talk soon,
