How to Make Decisions

use this one exercise

No Code Builders

From No Code Alex: Leading the path on the no code revolution

Today’s No Code Tips n Tricks:

Around the ages 18-25 you start to have a lot of big decisions you have to make

what career path are you going to take

who are you going to spend your time with

where are you going to live

what risks if any are you going to bet on

plus many more, and decision making in itself is a skill and a very important one

and I remember hearing about this exercise some time ago that really helped, however I cannot remember where I heard it from to give credit

but it’s very simple, every time you’re making a big decision, think about it from two perspectives

what would my 8 year old self do and what would my 80 year old self do?

8 year old because well kids don’t take life too seriously and they shouldn’t, they’re more likely to dream big, every kid had big dreams, not many chase them so it’s good to think back to what your younger self would do

and 80 year old self in the sense of if I look back on this when I’m 80, is this something I’d regret not doing? Would I be happy I tried?

and that’s literally it, whenever I’m making a decision I think about those two scenarios and that’s how I go about it

hope this helps someone

Things Worth Checking Out

Closify: anyone can now sign up to Closify for $50/mo to get hired into top commission only sales roles. You can sign up here

FyneTuner: you can now fine tune GPT models without knowing how to code to create your own AI SaaS. You can check out Fynetuner here

HelpDeskify: If you own a software company and you want to hire a call center for 24/7 customer support or to do cold calls to drum up new business, you can check that out here

Whenever You’re Ready:

Here’s a few ways I can help you:

  1. My No Code Development Agency: my in house bubble developers will build your MVP + I will consult you on your go to market strategy (10k min budget required)

  2. Buy 30 Minutes of my Time: Book a 30 minute consulting call to help you start or grow your software company, I can also help you build a personal brand, marketing strategies, building sales teams, etc.

  3. Join my Premium Newsletter Group: for only $10/mo once a week I will send a breakdown of finding a SaaS idea, validating it, and building out the MVP

That’s it for today!

Talk soon,

No Code Alex