Make $5,000 This Month

step by step tutorial

with whispers of a recession or depression even looming

what do business owners look to do during down cycles?

cut costs.

so selling solutions that bring business owners expenses down… is how you can make a lot of money even in a downturn economy

where do ecommerce brand owners massively overspend?

they overspend on customer support because they don’t know yet that they could just fine tune a GPT model that can do customer support for them

I made a Youtube video on how to do this you can watch here

on october 1st, the price of fynetuner is going up from $20/mo to $30/mo

so if you want to lock in your price forever

sign up at

so back to the tutorial

I’d use builtwith(dot)com and scrape a list of companies that use shopify and klaviyo (this shows me they’re likely an ecommerce brand)

next, I’m going to buy 3-5 domains and warm them up inside instantly(dot)ai

once they’re warmed up, I’m going to send this cold email

subject line “quick question”


“Hey {name}

I recently just created an AI customer support bot that would slash your customer support costs, and perform just as well at reducing refunds and chargebacks.

would you like me to show you how it works?”

if they reply positively, you tell them that you’ll fine tune a model off the FAQ’s on their website and also any past data they can share

you charge them a $1,000 set up fee + $250/mo to run the AI on your openai keys

rinse and repeat - this is a great way to make some cash right now

more tutorials like this are going to be posted only for customers so if you liked this, go sign up

