How to Make $250,000

you should read this one

this morning I opened up the X app and began scrolling the timeline

I come across this guy - saying he just sold his startup feather(dot)so for $250,000

as an indie maker, meaning he was a one man show

he built it, marketed it, customer support, he did it all and the craziest part is it was only making a lil over $6,000/month

their lowest plan starts at $40/mo and has plans up to $300/m

if we assume roughly his average user averages out to pay $50/mo

he had to acquire 120 customers to not only cash flow the whole time he was running it, but then to also get a 250k lump sum

and I know for most of you, a 250k lump sum would change your life

120 customers is 10 new customers per month for a year, and sure there’s churn but let that show you how achievable that is for you

you can send 10,000 cold emails a month for like $300, posting content is free and one viral video can change your business, you can pick up the phone and start cold calling people

the formula is simple:

1) find a software that already exists and is doing well (look on acquire, producthunt, appsumo, crunchbase)

2) research their G2 reviews to figure out where they drop the ball (missing feature requests, pricing, user experience)

3) build your own version solving that issue and build it on no code to get to market quickly and affordably

4) market it with outbound strategies + content which is incredibly affordable

and then boom - get to $5,000 to $6,000/mo and you can either keep cash flowing, you can try to keep growing it, or you can get a nice check and then rinse and repeat the process

anyone can do this - and you don’t need to be technical, you don’t need a ton of money, you just need to follow a proven framework

there’s a reason my discord has 9 five star reviews, I show you exactly how to do this step by step

you can even try it for free for 3 days to see the value for yourself

if you want to join, you can click here

the next 10 people to join I’ll do a 1on1 onboarding call with

Happy Thursday
