How to Make 2024 Your Year

(realistic addition)

Being only 4 days into 2024, I’m getting bombarded still with people’s videos of all their resolutions that we all know they don’t keep

and there’s one little thing that everyone messes up that makes them never stick to their goals

everyone always tries to add add add new things that they think they can carry throughout the year

when trying to do a ton more than you are now is rarely the answer

your goal should be to: subtract subtract subtract and then look to replace

get rid of all the things that do not serve your ideal life

subtract alcohol, and replace it with mocktails

subtract screen time on your phone, and replace it with a walk / reading

and you then need to create a system for yourself and practice awareness

example: you realize you’ve been scrolling on your phone too long, so you put it in the other room and go for a walk without it

you realize you’re craving junk food and so you have 2 big glasses of water to suppress your appetite

when you make these rules for yourself, it genuinely gets pretty easy to stick to your goals because you’re not adding a ton and making your life harder

you’re just replacing bad things with good ones that will improve your life

you should not need “motivation” to do these things even

why would you need motivation to be your healthiest, wealthiest, and most fulfilled self?

discipline> motivation

if you want extra help with getting a business off the ground or growing a current one

I’m opening up some consulting slots this week

you can book here

