Let me guess your life story

let me know if I'm right

I always find people that follow me to be remarkably similar

so let me guess some things about you

your entire life, you’ve felt like you’re supposed to be great

but you didn’t know what that meant for you

was it in athletics?




and you’ve had this gut feeling but… you didn’t know what you’re supposed to do

you may feel like the black sheep of your peers

where no one else is on the same wavelength as you

and it’s frustrating, because you just cannot relate to these people

I can tell you first hand - the most important thing you can do is find your people like you

your tribe

that’s why I moved to Miami - all of my friends here are just like me

they’re young, they make good money and STILL despite all their success work hard day in day out as if they had nothing

they all take care of their health

we challenge each other, make bets, COMPETE

going into anything solo puts you at a massive disadvantage

you need a support circle, you need people to push you, you need people doing better than you, you need people older than you, you need people younger than you

you need a tribe that can motivate you and show you all perspectives

it’s like building a council - just like the president has

you need people older, wiser, more successful, less successful. you need to see ALL perspectives

your tribe will make or break you

and it doesn’t require you to relocate geographically

I met majority of my tribe online - and then I moved once able

your tribe of people like you are waiting for you

you can meet them online here

join and introduce yourself

you’ll be welcomed here

see you inside


P.S. in the premium version we’re kicking off some challenges, so keep your eyes peeled in the announcements channel