My Left Arm Hurts

the pain spreads into my chest..

suddenly, my left arm hurts

the pain radiates into my chest

I become dizzy

break out into a cold sweat

as much as I don’t want to believe it

I know, I’m having a heart attack

what’s my first instinct?

to call 9-1-1 duh? right?

I don’t second guess it, it’s life or death, any this else is obsolete

“oh I can’t go to the hospital I have to take this meeting”

that wouldn’t happen.

but guess what? I didn’t have a heart attack

my left arm hurting? that was symbolism for back in 2020 of how unhappy I was

no money, no good social circle pushing me, living in a tiny dirty dorm, studying things I didn’t care about, knowing I could do and be more

and so, just like if I had a heart attack, my first instinct was to take action

and I did, and 3 years later and I’ve made my first M, live in Miami highrise, bought a car, take care of those close to me, etc

“Alex why are you telling me all of this?”

because I know you need to hear this right now, you need to act with some f*cking urgency

banks are failing, US credit card debt at all time high, people behind on car payments at record level, all the rona stimulus $ is finally clearing out

and soon, an economic reset will wipe out those that didn’t prepare

that had a heart attack but didn’t act quick enough

and I just KNOW you’ve been feeling the same way I did in 2020, and you’ve watched some YT videos, you watch your motivational videos, your “escape the matrix” content

but you’re not moving with urgency, and you need to.

“but most businesses fail”

“what if this”

“what if that”

if you have a heart attack are you not going to go to the hospital because “what if the doctor messes up” no!

trust me, you’re a lot closer to that next tax bracket than you may think

if you start TODAY you may just be surprised how quickly your life will turn around

so here’s what you’re going to do TODAY

quickly binge my YT videos here to learn how to get SaaS ideas and start to build a product

Sign up for a Softr trial here (what you use to build your SaaS)

and start learning how to build on softr TODAY

let me know once you’ve done this

as always if you enjoy my newsletter please share it with your friends and win prizes

God Bless
