How I've Acquired 4,204 Paying Customers

full guide

since I started running B2B SaaS companies in 2021

in the last 3.5 years I realized I’ve acquired THOUSANDS of paying SaaS users in the price points between $20/mo up to $5,000/year and inbetween

here’s some proof below

and it got me thinking, everyone is always complaining that they can’t get any customers

but really, for myself and majority of my friends that are successful the truth is:

customer acquisition is the easiest part of business

seriously, and don’t read that and get mad or have it discourage you

that should light a fire inside of you

because if you can’t get customers right now, there’s really only two possible reasons why

1) No social proof (testimonials, case studies, etc)

2) No where near enough volume

my good friend Daniel Fazio ( cofounder of client ascension and listkit) often talks about both of these, and he has two quotes about both that have stuck with me over the years

1) “you make money directly proportionally to how much social proof you have”

and it makes sense, the more testimonials and case studies for your product, the more easily people will be convinced to buy your product

think about a time a friend has recommended a restaurant to you, you’re much more inclined to go because someone you like and trust referred it to you

that’s social proof, this is why referral programs work so well also, and again, especially with social proof

and if you have 0 social proof, go do some free work to get some

2) “you should do so much volume, that it would be UNREASONABLE for you to not make money”

most of the time people come to me and they’re like “cold email doesn’t work”

and I’m like… how many emails did you send?


and then people like Daniel are out here sending 10,000/day

while posting content daily on all platforms

while forming partnerships

while running ads

he’s doing SO much more than you

and don’t cope and say “oh I don’t have a lot of money”

you can post a TON of content for FREE

you can cold DM people on instagram/X/ LI etc for FREE

you can write written content to a newsletter, on linkedin, on X…for FREE

you can send 10,000 cold emails a month for like $300/mo

you need to be doing more, the people ahead of you have done more volume than you and been more consistent over a longer time Horizon

just yesterday Alex Becker said the only reason I made 8 figures and then 9 and you haven’t, is because I showed up and did the work every day for over a decade and you haven’t yet

you need to do more

so when I think about how Closify got thousands of users

for a lil over 2 years straight:

we sent bare minimum 10,000 emails a month (often more)

we had a sales team of 5 sending 20 linkedin DM’s each

we had 2-3 cold callers making 50-100 dials daily

I made content on X every single day

I recorded a few youtube videos a month

I paid an SEO agency for 9 months

I formed partnerships with new people every month

and we gathered testimonials and case studies and flaunted them everywhere: on linkedin, on youtube, on our website, in our pre call email flows, in our follow ups after calls, EVERYWHERE

and once you get to this point where customer acquisition is the easiest thing in the world

here’s the actual hard part of growing a business:

customer results (low churn), building a team, operations

this is the actual hard stuff, that I’m still learning myself as I go, so if your biggest problem right now is customer acquisition, be THANKFUL because once you crack it you’ll be like oh what this is so easy

if you want customer acquisition to be your easiest part, I break down my strategies in depth inside my discord

you can start a trial here

