Why I'm Quitting Youtube

it's become too much...

Posting on Instagram once per day is fairly easy

I can make a month worth of content in an hour

but youtube… it takes forever

I have to plan out each video, write a framework, record it, and then it’s off to my production team that’s also super expensive

and maybe I’ll post some unedited videos

but I’m for sure stopping my series of building a software live in front of you

I realized I can’t show everything publicly as I build my power dialer

someone could replicate it too easily or competitors could see it and use it against us

I feel bad because I know it was many people’s favorite videos

but I also don’t want to be a content creator, I’m business person first and make content second

which is why I need to take a step back from youtube

April Fools

I love making content.

Everything I said had truth to it, it is super time consuming and expensive

but it’s super rewarding when I hear how my content has helped people

I’m about to post week 5 of building my power dialer in public

however part of what I said was true

I cannot show EVERYTHING on youtube as it would be slightly risky

but I’ve been documenting what I work on every single day and adding it to a trello board

so people can follow my process of building a software company day by day

and see in real time what’s working for me, plus get access to a ton of other stuff, like live calls, slack channel with me, designs made by my team, and much more

if you’d like to inquire about this

this is the last week I will take these calls

after this I will onboarding an account executive as we’ve been packed with calls for this and getting amazing feedback

so if you want to book a call you can do so here

if you want to read more about the offer first or don’t need a call, you can join here

