Hi, I'm Alex

time to formally introduce myself

I remember when I was younger

and I saw all these successful guys in their early 20’s online

I wondered a lot about them, how their days are, what do they do for fun, are they crazy smart?

and as I became more successful, I’ve met and even worked with many of the guys I used to look up to

and I can tell you, they are all just normal people that worked hard at one thing for a couple years

and I am the same

I don’t have a crazy morning routine

I don’t work 10, 12, 15 hour days and I never have

I work about 4 hours per day on average

most of my work is either making content (2 hours/wk recording)

scripting content (YT only, 1-2 hours/wk)

sales calls (1-3 hours/day)

team meetings (2 hours/wk)

all the entrepreneurs that say they work 8+ hours a day are either lying to make it seem like they’re the “hustlers” they portray

or they actually suck at business and can’t delegate (they’re internet hustlers, not real entrepreneurs)

but so naturally the question then is what do I do with my freetime

I play a lot of pickleball and tennis right now and I really enjoy it

I go out to dinner with my friends a lot

I go to the gym

I play fortnite at night with my hometown friends

(yes you can play video games and be successful despite what the online guru says)

I think I’m pretty smart but nothing crazy, I had a 4.1 in highschool

I did not finish college, but I did play tennis in college for Saint Louis U

every day since 2019, I have just done a few hours of focused work that move the needle

call it a controversial opinion, but I got into this to build a business that can run without me, not build a job by myself

(P.S. if your business requires you to work 8-10 hour days, good luck selling that business, spoiler alert, no one wants to drop a lot of cash to buy themself a job)

I love business but you won’t see me flexing working long hours

I will be outside, enjoying life playing pickleball at noon instead of being in an office

and the money is cool, but to me that is the win

I believe in making money to be able to give yourself choices

and everyday I get to choose what I want to do

could I maybe make more if I worked more? sure

but we don’t get buried with our money or net worth next to us

make money, spend money, live life.

anyways, that’s a little bit about me

if you want to build a software company and have my team build it, you can book a call here

