How to Grow ANY Business

no one is doing this

Welcome to the No Code Builders newsletter, I’m Alex from No Code No Problem

Before you read, make sure you join my discord community so we can chat daily - there’s a free version, click here

In today’s newsletter, we will go over:

  • the one mistake so many entrepreneurs are making

  • what is the funnel that can grow any business

  • how to implement it

  • this is high level info… not very beginner friendly so buckle up

Breaking into Software: Ideas

I’m going to give you once again a few SaaS ideas I love

1) high ticket affiliate SaaS - if you have a high ticket offer that requires a sales call, it’s hard to track affiliates at scale, this SaaS would allow you to sign up affiliates at scale where they all get a custom call booking link that integrates with stripe and their CRM and tracks leads and automates payouts via stripe connect

2) credit repair SaaS - credit repair is a huge industry that the hardest part about selling it is the people have no money hence they need credit repair, by building a software to do the process of writing dispute letters you could make it more affordable

3) Viral Tweet SaaS - ghost writers are expensive, you can train a model on viral tweets and slap on a nice UI and create a “ghost writer in your pocket” SaaS

any of these three ideas would rip - any of these can be built for 10-15k with my team, if you’re interested book a call here

Sign up for my Free Live Workshop Thursday

I’m going live inside of my discord this upcoming Thursday to do a free training on getting into the no code Saas space

click here to sign up

Deep Dive:

there’s ONE mistake entrepreneurs are making that is INCREDIBLY costly

in the last year or so, making content online got big right?

and everyone says “if you’re not posting videos in 2024 - what are you doing?”

and they’re right… BUT

You don’t own your instagram followers - Instagram does

You don’t own your youtube subs - Youtube does

You don’t own your tik tok followers - Tik Tok does

You don’t own your X followers - X does

ANY of these platforms can ban at any time and screw you

You can be shadow banned (I’m shadow banned on X)

The ONLY audience you can OWN - is a newsletter

you OWN your email list outright - no one else

and guess what? for this reason - they’re also sellable businesses that sell for a LOT and they’re money making machines if done right - buckle up

so there’s four forms of traffic: content, outbound, partnerships, ads

all of these point to different lead magnets (you should have 10 that all link to each other)

a lead magnet is a free document, video, quiz, book, something that solves your audiences frequently asked questions and provides value

so traffic → opt in→ sparkloop → thank you page → lead magnet → newsletter

wait what’s sparkloop?

after someone subscribes to YOUR newsletter, you can set up via sparkloop to recommend 5 other newsletters, and for each signup you drive to those you get paid $2-$4

so normally when you run ads to get newsletter signups, you pay $2-$4 per signup and just go negative on the front end, now you can break even or if you aren’t running ads that’s all profit

use my link to sign up to sparkloop (free plan) and beehiiv (what I’m typing this on) and I’ll send you a full giant document on how to do ALL of this (with how to drive traffic too)

so after they subscribe to sparkloop recommendations, they’re redirected to a thank you page

here you can send them to a free community, a live training, or to book a call for your main offer

after that, they get emailed the lead magnet you promised (and put into a 3 email welcome series)

inside the lead magnet - you promote your different offers and provide a ton of value and actually make the lead magnet something they’d pay for

after this - well, now they’re on your newsletter

you can remarket to them, plug your different offers, link to your other content, gain affiliate monthly recurring revenue

and this becomes a business that you can sell for a nice multiple

right now I’m only doing this with content - you scale it by adding in partnerships, outbound, and ads

so again if you want the full giant document breakdown on how to do all of this, sign up to sparkloops free plan here and beehiiv here

this is some serious high level game - I can’t wait to show you the document - reply back to this “done” when you’ve signed up and I’ll send it

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How I can Help:

  • Want my in house team to design and build your software idea and then have me consult as well? Book a call here

  • Want my full course on starting a no code SaaS + weekly live calls with me? You can get that here

  • I have hours of free training content on my youtube you can watch here (subscribe too please)