A Great Awakening is Happening

I consider myself to be a very observant person, I notice things when they’re different and I’m always paying attention to small details or even “random” circumstances

and over the last year specifically, I’ve noticed we really are going through a great awakening

the same things that I thought in 2019 I am seeing all the people around me finally starting to come around

in 2019 when I went off to college, I wrote an entire paper about how college actually makes zero sense for most people (despite going myself)

I found all the stats, and I don’t remember them exactly but it was like the average person goes into $X amount of debt for college

to get a degree that pays like 40-60k per year, but the real kicker then is 70-80%+ report they don’t like their job

so you’re then working a job you don’t like to pay off the debt of the piece of paper that got you that job you don’t like (makes sense?)

and so now you’re in this job you don’t like, have bills for the first time, and all of the sudden, rent prices soar, grocery prices soar, heaven forbid you want to go out and spend some money having fun here and there

all of the sudden: you don’t like your job, you’re paycheck to paycheck, and you’re like wow this is my life for the next 30-40 years

even writing that, scares the heck out of me, because that was quite literally my biggest fear and why I worked so tirelessly to escape it

and now that a lot of my friends graduated a year ago, I’ve seen dozens of them fall into this and reach out

I try to help them all, some take advantage of my help and have gone on to do great things, my friend Ryan got into high ticket sales, makes great money now, works fully remote only a few hours per day

he stacked up his money and is now building a software that I know is going to be successful

I have other friends hitting me up to learn how to build on bubble, to get into sales, to start a software, to start making content

people are waking up to the fact that the truth is unless you got a really good job, most 9-5’s do not pay you enough to live the life you want to live

and that’s just from the financial side, not accounting for the time and location freedom and if you even like the job

and listen I’m the last person to hate on 9-5’s, we need 9-5 jobs and a lot of them are awesome and people are happy in them which is GREAT

but the people that aren’t happy in them, or know it’s not for them, they’re waking up now because they know they have OPTIONS now

10 years ago there wasn’t nearly as many options - so a lot of people just sucked it up

like seriously: you could make silly tik tok shop videos have one go viral and make 10k+

you can learn to build on bubble and make your own software or charge people to build theirs

you can close for people online and make commissions from anywhere

you can build simple zapier automations for boomer businesses and make money

and you can do any of these on the side of your job even to just make an extra few thousand per month so that way:

  • you can go out to dinner 1-2x per week

  • you can invest an extra grand a month

  • you can start to save for that house downpayment

  • you can go on that trip with your boys

the awakening that’s happening is people realizing no one is coming to save you, but YOU can choose at any given time (even right now) to take the first steps to giving yourself a better life

you know the thing that’s bothering you in your life right now:

is it you hate your boss or your job?

do you not like where you live?

are you stressed about bills?

is it your fitness or diet?

is it your habits?

you can decide TODAY to start taking the baby steps towards whatever a better life is to you

if you’re struggling at all - I want you to read this Bible Verse (my favorite one)

Romans 8:11 “If the spirit of the one who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, the one who raised Christ from the dead will give life to your mortal bodies also, through his spirit that dwells in you”

my personal translation from that is, if the same spirit that raised Jesus from the dead lives inside of me, what could I possibly not do?

Happy Friday Folks,
