Getting Rich With SaaS: Week 5

what you've been waiting for

there was a very long break in my youtube series between week 4 and 5

this was because I lost my original CTO and had to find a new one, a two month delay

but, I am happy to say that week 5 is now live (a short one - week 6 will be nuts though)

so you can watch week 5 of the power dialer update here

now with that being said, here’s a sneak peak into week 6

we’re onboarding our first customers this week - and I just started my cold email campaign

if you own a business and you ACTIVELY use cold calling as a means to get customers

book a demo for our power dialer here

currently we are building out whatever our initial customers want but here’s two cool features

1) parallel dialing: dial up to 10 prospects at once and you’ll be routed to whoever answers first

2) Local Presence: rotate area codes to show you’re calling from the same area code as your prospect

and we’re VERY competitive on pricing right now

so if you want to be an early customer and lock in the lowest pricing we will ever offer, lock in a demo (for next week pls)

and on top of that, if you’re just here looking to start a software company, and want access to a day by day trello board of exactly how I’m growing this dialer

then read the full document on my no code accelerator program

that’s all for today

happy Thursday
