Getting Rich is Easy

but there's a catch

getting “rich” is actually each - and hear me out on this one

making $1M at least in revenue, is pretty easy once you hit some baseline skills

the odds of you making $1M in like your first 3 years, if you actually work hard every day, I’d argue is pretty high

and that’s like phase 1, you’re not rich yet, but now you know how to make money and should have some money in the bank

but up until this point, you’ve done well, but you haven’t “done it all” yet

you don’t have the cars, watches, dream apartments, vacations, the whole nine

so now you’re doing say $50-$100k/mo, a great business and pretty successful

you have a winner on your hands

but now, it’s 100k/mo rev, 60k profit, and you’re distributing 50k to yourself to go buy all the stuff

the cars, watches, vacations, etc

all the sudden, your business is diminishing, you stopped doing the things that made you successful, instead of doing MORE of the things that made you successful

you chose to take $1 in profit for yourself instead of putting it back into the business and getting another $2-$3 back

and now maybe that business fizzles out, and you were a one trick pony

you aren’t actually a well rounded entrepreneur

well connected, multiple skills, owned distribution, you can’t just make money out of thin air, so you’re back at square one

I’ve seen this happen more times than I can count

I COULD have bought all the things 2 years ago, my car, my watch, everything

but instead, I put it ALL back into my business and my brand

and now, those assets pay for everything, I didn’t have to take much money out of my companies to afford these things

getting rich is easy, staying “rich” is much harder

be well rounded, hedge yourself with multiple skills, building a brand and owning distribution (a newsletter) and keep money in the business and live below your means

trust me on this one

if you want to learn exactly how I operate and build software companies, you can book a call here

