Why You Should Get Drunk More

no, seriously.


you did read the headline correctly

you should get drunk more often

but let me explain

Jordan Petersen was talking about this

when you’re drunk, you still understand the concept of risk

but since you’re drunk, you don’t care

so maybe now you see where I’m taking this analogy

I’m not actually insinuating (new word for me) you to go get drunk all the time

but you may need to stop living so carefully

is starting the business “risky” well you’d get different answers from different people

I’d tell you it’s risky to not start a business

but there’s ways to mitigate risk and accelerate your timeline

I recently surveyed my audience to figure out what you guys are actually struggling with

and the common denominator by a long shot was

finding GOOD software ideas, validating it, and then building the MVP

so basically, getting it off the ground, once you do that honestly getting customers is easy

so here’s what I’m doing:

I’ve created a premium membership for my newsletter

where one time every single week, I’m going to send you an email with a video attached

and I’m going to show you how I find an idea, how I validate it, and then I’m going to build the MVP

this is going to be very time consuming for me as all good things take time and I value my time tremendously

so if you’d like to receive these value packed emails from me

it’s going to set you back a whole $10/month

you can upgrade and be a premium No Code Alex subscriber below