Your Full Guide to SaaS (Free Course)

this is lengthy

ladies and gentlemen buckle up, grab a coffee, get a pen and paper and lock in while I deliver this free course to you

Here’s What We’ll Cover:

  • why you should start a software company

  • How to get ideas / what to look for

  • how to pre sell your idea before building it

  • how to get it built affordably and quickly

  • how to get your first paying users

  • how to get your first 20 paying users

  • how to get 100+ paying users

Let’s dive into it - get comfy and lets go

Why You Should Start a SaaS:

If you’ve followed me for any period of time, you probably know why you should but allow me to reiterate because sometimes we need reminders

you need to look at what people are doing, not what they’re telling you to do

Jordan Welch → said to do ecom, but he just sold his SaaS for MILLIONS

Hormozi → he’ll tell you to do a skool community now, but just to grow his SaaS, skool, which he made his largest investment ever into (wonder why)

Alex Becker → in 4 years he built up his SaaS hyros to where he sold it for $110M after 4 years

so why are all these guys focused on software?

→ high profit margins

→ the software fulfills the service, you don’t need to hire tons of contractors like an agency

→ main reason… high exit multiples, they sell for 4-8x annual profit, 100k profit means you can sell it for 400-800k

on top of all this, it’s FUN as you get to see your product develop overtime and you get to build a REAL tangible solution that you get to see make an impact

I was just chatting with an old college buddy who got his masters in entrepreneurship from Notre Dame, and he said and I quote “if I had to sum it up, they basically said build B2B SaaS”

I’ll leave that there

How to Get Ideas / What to Look For:

let’s keep this simple, for the HIGHEST chance at success you want to do the following

  1. find a B2B software already making a lot of money

  2. find one that makes business owners more money

every wildly successful SaaS I know about does these two things, here’s some examples:

listkit → 0 to $3m / year in first year, they’re triple verified data, they sell to business owners, better data = more money

retention → 0 to $20m in 2 years, they help businesses identify contact info of website visitors without opt in, more prospects contact info = make more money

instantly → 0 to $20m in 2 years, cold email sending platform, sending more cold emails = more money

this is why I chose Zappx, we sell to business owners, and with our parallel dialing feature, they connect with more prospects per day = more money

it’s very easy to build a sales argument when this is the case

if your tool makes them more money, they’ll never cancel

you can find these ideas on acquire(dot)com, crunchbase, producthunt, finding them truthfully isn’t hard

keep this simple, follow my framework: other great ideas would be:

prospecting tools, content schedulers, better data tracking tools

Pre Selling / Validating Your Idea:

Even though if someone is already making a lot of money with our idea we know it’ll work, we can do an extra step if we’d like before spending time or money developing

here’s what we can do:

  1. create an early bird landing page: call out your ideal client profile, say main benefits of your SaaS, and offer a lead magnet for them to join the waitlist (free guide, free month when you launch, etc)

  2. buy 5 domains and connect to smartlead, get 1,000 emails from listkit, send cold emails with this script

“Hey {name}

I’ll cut straight to it - I’m building a software for people like you that does {insert main value}

would you be open to piloting it with a free month when we launch?”

  1. if 20+ people respond positively, you’re golden, you can also utilize facebook groups and outbound dm’s on other platforms

now when you launch you will have people waiting to use it to get much needed feedback

Building Your MVP:

the beautiful part here is you truthfully have so many options based off of how much capital you have and also your technical ability

low budget & low technical ability → get crafty like I did, piece something together on softr, or use stacker/airtable/memberstack, or partner with a technical co founder

technical guy → maybe you know how to code and you can just build it yourself or you know bubble already

high budget → pay a bubble dev / agency or traditional agency

there’s tons of other no code tools out there for those of you that can’t afford a few thousand upfront (which is totally cool that was me)

you have: softr, glide, adalo, stacker, and so many others that are pretty easy to use

now you want to build your MVP as quickly and affordably as possible - focus on building the core features that deliver most of the value

for Zappx, through research, we learned people really care about parallel dialing, local presence, and spam detection, so those were what we focused on to ship the MVP

create a product roadmap and define your MVP, and then the next features to work on post MVP

Acquire First Users:

this part is actually easy because we have people on a waitlist waiting to use our SaaS from earlier

we will send them an email per day for a week with call to actions to start their trial

Acquire first 10-20 customers:

buy more domains, connect them to smartlead, begin sending 10,000 cold emails per month

subject lines performing well right now

quick question

{their business name} X {your business name} Intro

{software solution} for {their company name}


hey {name}

I’ll cut straight to it - I built a software that {insert main value}

(now test 3 different CTA’s)

are you open to trying it totally free for a week?

mind if I send a video on how it works?

have 15 minutes on {insert day} for a demo?

cold call all the positive replies and you’ll begin to acquire 5-10 new trials per month at a minimum

20 → 100+ Customers:

work on SEO, target keywords with blogs published to your site, pay for quality backlinks, add in content marketing:

youtube tutorials work incredibly well to grow a SaaS company

form partnerships with people that sell to your same ideal client profile but a different product or service and do joint trainings, swap email lists, and run promos for each other

create a really good referral program so your customers turn into sales people for you

build an end to end sales team of both SDR’s and account executives (this itself is another entire course)

continue to iterate the product on user feedback to lower churn and aim for under 10%

now we’re really getting into the weeds of some more complex topics that all would take me writing another book to explain

I Can Help You:

listen I can show you how to do all of this to get your first paying user inside 90-120 days and then how to scale after that

I did it with Closify and I’m doing it again now

but not only that my processes worked for:

Chris who got Rankify to $400 MRR in a month

Schachar who just hit $1k MRR with his SaaS

Henry who used my strategies to grow convi

matteo who grew mediabuyer(dot)com to multi five figures per month with my help

this is a shamless plug that I know I can help you start your own software company, and a new cohort is opening up in August that we have 5-10 spots max left in to work closely with me

if you want that to be you, watch the 3 minute video below and book a call to see if you’re a good fit

