{Free Course} How to Grow a Business

Happy Thursday I am extremely caffeinated writing to you this morning so I figured I’d lock in and tell you EXACTLY how to grow a business today?

sound cool?

amazing - maybe you’ve heard this before, maybe you haven’t but there are only FOUR ways to grow a business

here they come:

1) Content - posting content on the internet, youtube videos, instagram reels, tik tok’s, tweets, newsletters, it works

2) Outbound - cold calling, cold email, linkedin DM’s, IG dm’s, X DM’s, reaching out to people that don’t know you exist yet, this also works

3) partnerships - partnering up with companies that sell a different thing than you but they sell to the same type of person, so you guys can cross promote, maybe email each others lists, do live trainings together, share leads, etc. This works

4) Ads - you can run paid ads on any platform, Meta ads, Tik tok ads, X ads, linkedin, etc. This also works

Now here’s the real alpha that maybe should be obvious but people still either don’t know it or don’t do it

when you do all four together, the results of each one are amplified

when you send a cold email, the first thing someone does is look up you or your company

if you’re a no one on the internet… why would they reply? now you’re just another annoying spammer

but if they look you up and you have hundreds of thousands of followers, valuable reels, valuable youtube videos, podcasts you’ve been on, press written about you, they’re gonna be like “hmmmm… maybe I should reply to this guy”

or maybe they still don’t reply but they visited my website then I hit them with a retargeting ad, and they’re like wow I can’t escape this guy

frequency is important, they say it takes on average 7+ touch points for someone to buy

and then I hear all the time “awhhhhhh alex I can’t get any customers”

and every time I ask “how many messages have you sent? how much content have you posted?”

and it’s an astonishingly LOW amount

you NEED to do more, you need to exert more force into the marketplace

start off with outbound and content because they’re the most affordable and no one will partner with you when you’re a nobody

stay with me now:

1) Outbound

buy 10 domains from porkbun, create 2 microsoft inboxes for each domain, connect them to smartlead and begin warming them up

next, buy 10,000 emails and phone numbers of your ideal client profile from listkit(dot)io

next, begin sending 10 emails per day per domain with a script something like this

“Hey {name}

I just built a software that {insert main benefits}

{do you mind if I send a video over on how it works?}

{would you be open to trying it free for a week?}”

use one of those CTA’s

next, sign up to tryzappx.com and connect Zappx to smartlead

have smartlead send all people that open or reply to your emails to a new Zappx list

call every lead that opens or replies to your emails through Zappx and book the demo there (doing this will boost booked demos by 25-50%)

scale this up by buying more domains, buying more leads, and hiring dialers

2) Content

focus on posting 1 short form video per day (reel, tik tok, short) and 2-4 long form youtube video per month

understand like anything content is a funnel

you need to make top of funnel videos at the start to create awareness

content → create demand

outbound & ads → capture demand

you need to use terminology that the masses can understand

the best video creators take complex topics and dumb it down to a fifth grade level

name drop videos work amazing for top of funnel

“how to do X in 3 easy steps” works extremely well

“how to do X even if Y” works very well

test test test, and once you get one viral video, keep making new variations of the same video and it’ll go viral every time, trust me

and then… take that viral video, and run it as a tik tok spark ad… and it will PRINT

trust me… I’ve done it

then you create a separate cold email campaign to reach out to potential PARTNERS

cold email → potential customer = 1 to 1 outreach, you have the possibility to get 1 new customer

cold email → potential partner = 1 to many, 1 new partnership could bring 5, 10, 100 new customers

I could keep going and going…. because I’m doing all of this for Zappx right now and it’s working

so I’ll leave you with two things

1) if you want to begin cold calling or you do already and want to use Zappx book a demo here 

2) if you want my help starting a software company and want to see exactly how I’m building Zappx book a call here

