How to Force Success

no other option

It’s 11pm last night in my new apartment in Columbus Ohio (where I’m from) and I’m laying in my bed and I hear the roaring engine of some car flying down the street

and it brought me back to such a vivid memory in 2021 that I instantly felt like I went entirely back into that state

it was the 3rd day I had lived in Miami after I moved there at only 20 years old, and I was running Closify that was doing $10,000 - $15,000/month

which was great… but I also had to pay my team and I had 2 partners

and I was laying in my bed in Miami and I just kept hearing the thundering noises of supercars flying down the streets

and thinking to myself… I don’t have a choice anymore, this HAS to work.

I could have stayed in school and continued with no expenses really and just pocket everything

but now I had rent (which I’d never had before), I got to buy all my groceries, I got health insurance, and that’s not even including if I want to have any sort of fun budget

and so while I had some savings that were a few months of runway - I just remember after hearing that super car on that 3rd night

jolting awake and going to my desk (a pong table at the time) to do some late night work on Closify

I took away the option of it not working, I made myself realize you CAN force your way into something working

don’t believe me? Look at your life right now, could you stare yourself in the eyes in the mirror and say every single day, you wake up and do EVERYTHING you could possibly be doing to succeed

between your physical health, your mental, business wise, I can promise you the answer is no

there’s ALWAYS more we can be doing - and sure you have to work smart too, but back to last night

when I heard this car zip by last night, it literally felt like it teleported me back to that 20 year old kid and got my mind running

there is SO much more I could be doing - I work, and I’ve been doing well, but there hasn’t been anything that made me feel like I absolutely HAVE to do more

so I went to my whiteboard, and just mind dumped a ton of goals for all areas of my life

and I’m going to document what this looks like of how I’m going to drastically improve everything the next 45-90 days

because I can tell you, after that night in Miami I doubled Closify the next month

and this time, my goals are bigger than ever, my team is better, and I feel more equipped

maybe you feel like you are doing enough or you are content and if that’s you, good for you, but if this message resonated with you

and you want to go harder too but maybe need a kick, or some accountability, I want to offer that to you free of charge

I want you to join the free discord here and when you join in general - I want you to comment your name, a physical, mental, and business goal, and I want you to comment on someone elses (hopefully I’m not giving any college kids PTSD from discussion boards)

Choose to be great
