Don't Try to Survive the Next Few Years

I’ve noticed something a lot more lately in the questions being asked in my DM’s and on my social medias

with it being an election year, the markets seeming volatile, job market hard to break into, I think unemployment is up, people have been asking me:

“Alex, what should I do to survive these next few years?”

and first off, that question is worded wrongly, you should not be trying to survive, you should be trying to THRIVE

do not go into the next few years thinking you just need to try to hang on by a thread… that’s no fun and that’s allowing yourself to think all of these circumstances out of your control influence your outcomes

and they don’t, you determine your outcomes no matter what the stock market does, no matter who gets elected, YOU are still the one that determines your life

but with that being said, YOU need to make the right choices, you need to be able to sit down and think logically about where is money going and how do you position yourself so it comes to you

because seriously, right place right time is a very real thing when it comes to making money, and you’re more likely to find yourself there or “get lucky” when you try over and over

I’ll be the first to admit I was in the right place and right time when I started talking about no code, I “got lucky” but I wouldn’t have if I didn’t start online biz in 2019 and start Closify (a no code company) in 2021

now I don’t have a crystal ball, but it doesn’t take a genius to identify these “trends” that are only going to continue growing

1) Personal Brand: arguably the greatest insurance policy, people buy from people they like and trust, posting content is your chance to do this. Hormozi, Iman, Kardashians, Ryan Reynolds, the list goes on and on

saying you don’t want to make content because you don’t want people to know you or you don’t like being on camera is financially irresponsible

I have 200,000 followers across platforms, I’m not a celebrity, I can leave my house and not be harassed, I’m just a dude that talks about software

I didn’t like being on camera at first either, you learn to like it, what I tell people who don’t want to make content is “if it made you 100k per month, would you do it?”

almost always the answer is yes, to which I reply, stay consistent at it for long enough and it will

my friend just took a YT to channel to 12k subscribers, 450k views, and 105k cash collected in 30 days, but yeah, don’t make content….

2) Software / AI: Every process that was dominated by human labor and was slow and expensive is quickly being replaced by software and AI

this has been happening for decades but it’s accelerating now

old process to watch a movie: go to block buster → find DVD → buy it → drive home → watch movie → return it

new process → sign up to netflix and watch movie

with Closify I saw this

old process to hire sales rep: search linkedin, fb groups, etc for talent → verify talent → conduct interviews → hire → onboard

Closify → interview → hire → faster onboarding

what process do you know of that’s outdated? that’s still slow and expensive? build a solution with software and AI, this is what business is all about, providing value through better solutions than what’s out there

these two things are how you can THRIVE the next few years no matter what’s happening

there will always be money being exchanged, and if you have a brand and you have a software that solves an inefficent process, the money will always find you

these are the two things that I do best

and I’m hosting my largest ever live free training a week from today

this one is so valuable I’m only hosting it for the people that attend live, no replays, and only 500 live spots

so if you want to secure your seat, register below:

