College Vs Online Business

why are they treated so differently?

you go to into college expecting it to take 4 years (or more) for you to acquire the skills you need, to get your degree, and then get employment and start making money

and you’re okay with that, because that is the norm, it is supposed to take 4+ years

yet when it comes to starting a business, you give up or switch models after 3 months when you didn’t make a ton of money quickly

but if you just approached business with the same mindset of college, of okay this may take 4 years for me to really start to reap the rewards of my labor, but it’ll be incredibly worth it then

you undoubtedly WOULD become incredibly successful

every single friend that I have that is incredibly successful right now is on year 4+ of being in online business

most of their incomes go something like this

year 1: make $0 or maybe 30-50k max

year 2: first $100k year

year 3: $200-$400k

year 4: 500k-$1M

year 5: $1-$2M

and these numbers may look crazy to you, and it is a ton of money to make at a young age or any age really

but this is what I’ve seen happen for every friend that I have that has been consistent for years and years on end

so stop trying to get to year 4-5 in your first year and accept it’ll take some time and enjoy the journey

my free content is meant to help everyone in year 1-2 but if you’re in year 3-5 I can help you build a software company that builds enterprise value for you

and if you want more info about that, just watch the video below

