He Changed My Life (Free Game)

he will change yours too

yesterday I had a 14 hour drive so as one does I was listening to podcasts

and I thought back to myself, man I should really rewatch this one podcast that changed my life forever

I was never big into podcasts, but there was one guy that I listened to all of his religiously

the amount of free value in them was always nuts… and I’d always dm him just to thank him

and one day, I updated him and I said hey man your podcasts changed my life, since listening to your last one I’ve made my first 6 figures and I’m starting this company called Closify that’s a hiring platform to hire sales reps

he said he wanted to come onboard, and he became a business partner on Closify

and he went on to teach me so much about business

so many unique “growth hacking” ways to get customers I would have never thought of

this person is Luca Netz

and I relistened to both of his podcasts with Scott Hilse yesterday, and the second one particularly got me super fired up again

and gave me so much direction

no one really impresses me honestly, even if they have 10’s of millions I’m not impressed because I know that’ll be my reality too

but Luca is truly different, I would bet on him being a billionaire

he bought Pudgy Penguins (NFT company) for $2.5M and turned it around

he was CMO of Gelblaster, and also built brands for the most famous celebrities

this guy is miles ahead of your favorite guru (including me)

listen to this two hour podcast today…. trust me

after watching, shoot Luca a DM here

just let him know what you thought of it, and if it helped you, say thanks

Luca’s always taking care of people, and this is just me showing my appreciation for being a great business partner and person

trust me listening to his podcasts will change your life

reply back to this email with your thoughts after you listen

