Can I Make an Assumption About You?

let me know if I'm right

Can I make an assumption about you?

if you’re reading this email

you’ve probably watched some of my other content

my instagram reels and my long form youtube videos

and because of that, you probably want to start a software company

and you probably feel overwhelmed

and understandably so

starting a software isn’t easy

you need to find an idea

then you need to make sure it’s validated before you spend any time or money building it

then you need to find product market fit and marketing message that resonates

get your first customers, get feedback and improve the product

make hires

combat churn

all of these things - and because of how overwhelming all this is

most people never even start

they get paralyzed from the overwhelming amount of information online and things they need to do

and trust me, I get that.

I was in your shoes not long ago

starting Closify, I was overwhelmed, but luckily I had a business partner with a “playbook” of growing companies

and he helped me tremendously, and I figured out what to do, in what order.

Now, as you may know, I’m building a power dialer live on my youtube channel

and while I haven’t updated the series in a couple weeks (the next video is coming in a few days)

I’ve been documenting what I work on every day

in a day by day trello board

in a way that anyone can follow

day 1-90 of what I’ve been working on

how I got idea, how I validate it, how I find and vet devs, how I make content, how I set up cold email systems, hires I make

literally everything…

and I’m consistently updating it

each day is no more than 1-2 hours of work

you go in, you watch a few loom videos, and then you implement and go onto the next day

this is the same playbook I’ve used to grow all of my companies in a day by day format

so far the people that have followed this playbook are getting great results

Louis scaled instantchapters to over 100 paying customers

Harry recently launched convi and is doing amazing

if you want access to this playbook, book a call here

or learn all info about this offer by clicking here

day 1 kicks off on Monday, so if you want to start next week right

go through the offer doc today and make an informed decision

Happy Friday
