Can I make an assumption about you?

(I'm pretty good at it)

No Code Builders

From No Code Alex: Leading the path on the no code revolution

Today’s No Code Tips n Tricks:

Is it okay if I make an assumption about you?

Since you’ve signed up to my newsletter, I think I know a few things about you

now these could be totally off but let me know if they’re not

Obviously you’re interested in making money online, but you’ve likely tried a few different ventures before

maybe in ecom, agency, etc with not a ton of success yet

despite that, you know your success is inevitable, that you just need to zoom out and play a longer term game

which is why SaaS has peaked your interest

You want to be the person that wakes up EXCITED on Mondays ready to continue building their life instead of waking up and dreading the things you need to do

You’re after REAL wealth, not just making enough money to spend it all to look cool, you want LEGIT wealth that comes from a liquidation event

am I right about at least a few of these?

if I am and these are things you do want for yourself, I have good news

all of these things are a matter of when, not if, as long as you never give up

it is quite literally inevitable for these things to happen over a long enough time horizon of you consistently exerting force

one of my buddies always says “do so much more than it would be UNREASONABLE for you to not make more money”

because a lot of people will send 20 cold emails a day for one month then cry when they get no customers

his answer is always “send 100/day minimum for 6 months, post on linkedin daily, tweet 3-5x per day, post 2x a day on IG, FB, YT, Tik tok, linkedin dm 10-20 people per day, cold call 50 people per day and THEN tell me if you don’t get any customers”

and not at all to his surprise, the people that exert that much force always end up getting customers and growing fast

and the ones that are able to maintain it over a long time horizon or effectively hire it out are the ones that build wealth

Things Worth Checking Out

Closify: anyone can now sign up to Closify for $50/mo to get hired into top commission only sales roles. You can sign up here

Rolade: If you want to get paid for building no code MVP’s you can become a no code dev on rolade and apply to jobs and get paid. You can sign up here

Whenever You’re Ready:

Here’s two ways I can help you:

  1. My No Code Development Agency: my in house bubble developers will build your MVP + I will consult you on your go to market strategy (10k min budget required)

  2. Get Help From Me Growing Your SaaS: If you own a SaaaS company now generating over $20,000/mo and want help scaling it book a strategy call with me

That’s it for today!

Talk soon,

No Code Alex