The Butterfly Effect

this decision today could have wild impacts

have you ever heard of the butterfly effect?

it’s essentially how one small decision can create a ripple effect down the road

where one small decision, leads to a domino of future events, that ends up having a massive impact on your life

and your life would not be the same had you not made the initial decision that triggered the butterfly effect

for me, it was joining this sales group in 2020

it led me to starting sales, then running a sales agency, then becoming a recruiter, then building Closify, moving to miami, exiting closify, building a brand, dev agency, new softwares, and now we’re here…

NONE of this would of happened had I not joined that sales group in 2020

and yesterday I launched a free discord to show people the behind the scenes of what running high level companies is actually like

you’ll see the behind the scenes into my dev agency, my latest SaaS, how I make content, and more.

and the best part? it’s completely free

and who knows the impact this could have for you

the things you’ll learn

the people you’ll meet

the businesses you’ll start

you’ll never know unless you join

happy wednesday
