You Have a Big Decision to Make

how to make the right decision

in our lives we make thousands of decisions every single day

when to get out of bed, what to eat, who to talk to, what time to go to the gym

some are completely unconscious decisions even

but in life, sometimes we actually need to make very big decisions

decisions that majorly impact the trajectory of our life

things like: where to go to school? Do we go to school? Dropping out of school? Career changes, starting a family, partners, these are some of the “bigger” decisions

now so far I’d say I’ve maybe made 3 very big decisions that drastically altered my life

1) dropping out of school

2) Moving to Miami

3) Selling Closify

and guess what, had I not dropped out of school, I wouldn’t have moved to Miami, and then Closify likely would have never even been a big company

every decision causes a chain of events, the butterfly effect if you’ve ever heard of it

and these decisions were all extremely difficult, dropping out of school seemed crazy to me, getting a degree is the norm now, so dropping out or even the idea of it got a lot of backlash and judgment

and not to mention, I was a smart kid, it wasn’t like school wasn’t something I was capable of

and then moving to Miami, after living in ohio my whole life, was a huge culture shock, I didn’t know many people there, and again, a lot of judgement of like… you’re going to move to an expensive city at 20?? You think that’s smart??

and then selling Closify, I didn’t know what I’d do after really, I didn’t have much of a plan

was I a one hit wonder? Would I get another company that’d be as successful?

and I believe all of these decisions were actually perfect… and so if you’re currently facing a big decision, or maybe having internal turmoil over not knowing what to do

I want to share with you how I made these decisions

so to start: I did not consult anyone but myself, this is MY life, what other people had to say was really not relevant to me

the first thing I ask myself is what would my teenage self want me to do, and what would my 80 year old self want me to do?

my teenage self loved to play tennis, hang out with friends, never took life too seriously, and I think it’s important to keep some of those characteristics

my 80 year old self, if I’m on my death bed, how do I minimize regret

“I wonder what would have happened if I did drop out and move to Miami”

that would kill me

I can’t imagine having to look back and wonder of what life could have been like if I had just taken a few small risks

now the second part of decision making really is just gut feeling

all of these things just felt… right

I dropped out of school, Closify grew…I moved to miami…. Closify doubled…I sold Closify…I blew up on social media the next week

trusting my gut has never led me wrong

and maybe this was helpful, maybe it wasn’t, but if you’re facing a big decision just really think about what the kid in you would do, and what your 80 year old self would want you to do to minimize regret

think about it through those two lenses and sit with it…. and you’ll figure it out

“what if it doesn’t work”

but what if it does?

you have no idea how good it can be

think about it


P.S. come hangout in the free version of my discord here

would love to meet more of you!