Beware of the Shiny Object

don't get sucked in

Welcome to the No Code Builders newsletter, I’m Alex from No Code No Problem

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In today’s newsletter, we will go over:

  • recent crypto news

  • shiny objects

  • asymmetric bets

Breaking into Software: Just Start

Starting in software can be frightening

there’s a lot of moving parts, and it can seem daunting

that’s okay, but don’t let it give you action paralysis

you need to just start

learn as you go

fail and try again

not starting hurts you more than failing

Deep Dive:

bitcoin hit 61k - let’s talk about it

I’m not a crypto guy - I know nothing about it

I lost money in 2021 in a rug pool lol

this is becoming a shiny object for many though and they’re going to fomo into it

and then you become people’s exit liquidity lol

do I have any idea if this is running higher or not? no

but here’s what I’ve learned

there’s money makers and money multipliers

I’m a money maker, so I focus on making money and I am much safer with my investments because I make enough money

now I do believe in asymmetric bets - meaning minimal downside with maximum upside

but for me - this bet is in growing my brand to create massive enterprise value across the portfolio of my companies

and so I put almost all of my money into that

because that’s where my edge is - I’m much more likely and in more control to make millions there than in bitcoin or $hitcoins

so even if you’re running an agency or doing ecom or whatever right now, I’m not saying don’t invest in crypto but don’t pull away focus from the thing actually making you money

you’re going to see a lot of people turn into crypto experts overnight again

everyones a genius in a bull market…

I have my blinders on and I’m just getting better at my craft and staying the course on my bet, not making new bets because they’re popular right now

again, do as you will but this is my take

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