Bad News For My Enemy

I woke up

“bad news for my enemy, I woke up today”

no idea who’s quote this is - but I used to see it all the time and loved it

but I also thought the idea of being an entrepreneur with “enemies” was kind of corny

like who’s your enemy? you live in a air conditioned box in the sky in Miami

but I had noticed amongst myself and my successful friends - that we create enemies in our minds

and the thing is - the enemy isn’t always a person - in fact it’s usually not

last night I was reading Patrick Bet-David’s book “Choose Your Enemies Wisely” and he talked about picking your enemies wisely

Having an enemy in your head allows you to lean into your emotions

For Patrick, a family member belittled his father - which was the tipping point for Patrick to go scorched earth on business to make his fathers last name known

that was his WHY

emotion is one of the strongest forces for your why - but the person that only has a why, but no how (logic / plan) still doesn’t go far

so he explains how you need emotion and logic to have a successful business plan, but the why must become before the how

so - you need to pick your enemy first - what get’s you so fired up to be your why?

is it something someone said to you or a loved one?

is it a teacher that made you feel small?

is it the fear of poverty?

fear of not being able to provide?

and despite what anyone tells you about not to be emotional in business - they are wrong

even just think about sports and rivalries - I’m from ohio so ohio state and michigan are like the biggest football rivalry ever

all off season… they’re training with Michigan as their enemy

when they don’t want to train - it gets them fired up

when I played highschool tennis and it was 32 degrees outside in March - our coach would tell us “you are the only team in central ohio training outside right now”

and in the moment - you’re annoyed because you’re freezing, but the underlying message there is you’re outworking the enemy right now

or that’s how I perceived it

so that’s the emotion piece.. but you still need logic, the how.

I still needed a gameplan in my tennis matches, I needed to maximize my strengths, limit my weaknesses.

In business, I have my enemies, but still I need to know HOW I’m going to create these massive companies

for this - you need systems, you need team, you need culture

when you build a team, and you can unite around a common enemy, and build an insane culture, giant companies are born

even business aside, look at politics, they all try to get people to rally behind them by highlighting common enemies

you need to be observant of these things

love him or hate him - who has a more cult like following than Trump?

He’s incredibly polarizing, people either love him or hate him, no one is really inbetween

there’s IMMENSE value in studying him

so listen up - if you’ve been reading my emails for some time, maybe watching my IG reels, youtube videos, etc and you HAVEN’T started

literally everything you need to start a successful software company is out there for free in my content

it’s all out there - and if you still haven’t started - IDENTIFY your enemies today

write them down and look at them daily

one of my enemies is a word - mediocrity

Conor Mcgreggors quote of “your lack of commitment is an insult to the people who believe in you” has really stuck with me

if you have people around you that really believe in you to be great in business, at a sport, in your career, and you’re okay with being mediocre?

I think that’s disgusting - I won’t do something to try to be “mediocre” at it

if I sign up for a race I’m running as fast as I can

if I’m starting a company it’s to be a big company

inside my free discord today - we will all be sharing our enemies today, and I’ll be helping you guys construct logical business plans to achieve your goals

you can join the discord here  

Happy Money Monday

someone has your money today - go find it
